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2016 IB Art Show

Recently, BHHS was home to some of the most beautiful art pieces, done by some of their very own students. The IB Art Show Exhibition was on display from February 29 - March 11, 2016, in the media center. Artists Emily Henderson, Doni Graham and Katerina Rego had pieces that were shown in the exhibition.

When describing their inspirations, Henderson said, "I found inspiration behind my work by reading about how much of an issue women's equality was in our society. The people who inspired me to create these pieces were the influential people in my life who allowed me to grow as an individual and taught me some of the greatest lessons in life."

Graham's inspiration differed slightly from Henderson's thoughts. "My artwork is about the perspectives of and emotions surrounding mental Illnesses. In our society, a negative stigma has developed surrounding mental illnesses and the people who have them. We as a society need to change our perception of these illnesses in order to better help those who have them," Graham said. "I hope that people [will] look upon emotions and mental illnesses with a new, more positive perspective."

Following along with the theme of crucial issues in our society affecting their pieces, Rego hoped to send "a message to the viewer about self identity and finding oneself through obstacles."

Henderson added that she hopes, "...that when people view my artwork they don't just see a female artist portraying different types of women, but rather informing the audience that although some may feel that all are equal, women face and have been facing difficulties and overcoming obstacles worthy of notice for centuries."

Rego agreed explaining that she hopes people take away a feeling of being aware of the different problems that individuals go through when discovering their identity.

It is amazing to see how young artists express themselves and spark important conversations. They represent a vital part of today's youth; ever expanding, evolving and ensuring a bright future. We can't wait to see what they create next!

-Author: BHHS Student, Amanda Howard

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